Monday, January 23, 2012

Un-Paper Towels

Browsing Pinterest I found a tutorial for Un-Paper Towels. You can find the tutorial HERE.  I had a stray white towel and some flannel left from a blanket I made a couple of years ago so I thought I'd give this a try.   We use paper towels minimally anyway, but these look so much more cheery than an old t-shirt or worn out towel.  AND they fit on the counter nicely.

I opted not to do the snaps so I could roll them on a paper towel holder.  Seemed like more work that it was worth AND I could utilize ALL of my white towel by making different sizes.  I made 6 of these handy towels.  I can see I will need more.  I think for the next batch I'll use a darker towel and flannel to use for spills that will stain.  I don't see these white ones staying beautiful very long. :) 

I will still keep paper towels on hand for the REALLY yucky jobs... but these un-paper towels are much more absorbent, prettier, and better for both the environment and my budget. 

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