Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kindness Kritter Board

Our family decided to take turns doing kindnesses for each other this upcoming year.  I made the Kindness Kritter Strikes Again board to help us with that.

When a kindness is done for someone in the family.... Kritter is moved to that persons name.  Then that person is responsible for doing a kindness for someone else.   Fun!

I didn't want to buy anything.  Challenging. :)   I decided to use an old, worn-out children's book for the base.  I hot glued it together, covered it with paper and ribbon.  I used a 5x7 piece of metal we've had around for a couple of years (intended for a different project & never used) in the center.  Kritter is made from yarn, a stray pair of Mr. Potato Head eyes, and some shaped sports buttons leftover from a different project last fall.  He has a bottle cap & magnet glued to his back so he can move from name to name.

I think it turned out pretty cute considering my crafting skills!

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