Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Sixth Day of Christmas!

On the Sixth Day of Christmas
My true love gave to me,
Six cheese for playing,
(nothing like a good game of cheese and crackers!)
Five O N I O N rings!
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

An explanation...   UNLESS you have played, or have children who play Pajama Sam's "No Need to Hide When it's Dark Outside" Wii or computer game, you won't get this. :)   Pajama Sam, on his adventures, comes to a spot where he's invited to play "cheese and crackers" which is like tic tac toe.  You can find a better description HERE. Our older kids loved this Pajama Sam!  We've heard reference to this game a lot. :)
Dave received, for his sixth day of Christmas, his own Cheese & Crackers board complete with playing pieces and directions. :)

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