Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Eleven Planes for flying, 
Ten Soda's for Sipping,
Nine Records Spinning,
Eight Maids a Milking,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens, 
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree! 

Eleven little planes that Dave and the kids will have a ton of fun flying in the house!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Tenth Day of Christmas

On the Tenth Day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Ten Soda's for Sipping,
Nine Records Spinning,
Eight Maids a Milking,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens, 
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree! 

Dave's favorite soda is rootbeer!  The Key lime and Cherry Lime looked so festive though! (and maybe he'll share!)

The Ninth Day of Christmas

On the Ninth Day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Nine Records Spinning,
(Several blasts from the past!)
Eight Maids a Milking,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree! 

We've had a record player for a few years now, but not too many records.  I had fun sorting through piles of records at the second hand store and finding artists Dave liked as a kid:  Herb Alpert, Roy Clark, and this awesome Andy Williams Christmas Album!   I'm sure he would have preferred the Nine Ladies Dancing, but at least now there would be something to dance TO!  :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Eighth Day of Christmas

On the Eighth Day of Christmas
My True Love gave to me,
Eight Maids a Milking,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words, 
Three French Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree!

Dave LOVES chocolate milk.  He drank it a lot as a child and still has at least one glassful every day.  I knew I wanted to do chocolate milk for day 8 but thinking up what to do with it was tough.  This is as close to a "maid" outfit as I had time to create! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Seventh Day of Christmas

On the Seventh Day of Christmas
My true love gave to me,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree!


Dreamin' of warmer days.  Care free fishing.
So what if they're Swedish fish in Jello! 

The Sixth Day of Christmas!

On the Sixth Day of Christmas
My true love gave to me,
Six cheese for playing,
(nothing like a good game of cheese and crackers!)
Five O N I O N rings!
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

An explanation...   UNLESS you have played, or have children who play Pajama Sam's "No Need to Hide When it's Dark Outside" Wii or computer game, you won't get this. :)   Pajama Sam, on his adventures, comes to a spot where he's invited to play "cheese and crackers" which is like tic tac toe.  You can find a better description HERE. Our older kids loved this Pajama Sam!  We've heard reference to this game a lot. :)
Dave received, for his sixth day of Christmas, his own Cheese & Crackers board complete with playing pieces and directions. :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Fifth Day of Christmas

On the Fifth Day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Five O N I O N rings!
(along with a Papa Burger and A&W root beer in a mug)
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

And here is my true love enjoying lunch.  We rarely get a chance to have lunch together, just the two of us, so it was extra fun to bring his gift for day five and have 45 whole minutes with my true love!  (And isn't he a handsome dude! )

And the song goes on......... 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Fourth Day of Christmas

On the fourth day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Four Caring Words,
I Really Love You!
Three Wrench Pens,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

1 bag of Kisses for my true love in a nice jar....  hope he'll share!   XXXOOO

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Third Day of Christmas

On the third day of Christmas
My true love gave to me...
Three Wrench Pens,
(great for the times things need fixing and white-out won't cut it)
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day 2

On the second day of Christmas
My true love gave to me,
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

(Turtle Candy stuffed inside a pair of gloves)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 Days of Christmas for Fun Day 1

I've been thinking my amazing husband needs some extra love this Christmas season for all the hard work he does for our family. (and for putting up with me!)  I decided to do a 12 Days of Christmas countdown TO Christmas for him.  (I do realize that the actual dates would be from Christmas until Jan. 6th - but this is just for fun.)   I'm trying to not spend much, and he has a great sense of humor so he'll "get it" with my sillyness! 

I'll post a picture of each day as it happens:

On the first day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
A Cartridge in a Bare Tree.

(An empty shotgun shell "cartridge" tied to a branch from my lilac bush worked wonderfully!)

More pics to follow!  I could post more now but Dave follows my blog. :)