Friday, January 4, 2013

Finally - the Twelfth Day of Christmas

The twelfth day of Christmas fell on Christmas Eve.  With the craziness of Christmas Eve, Day, New Years, and kids out of school, I'm just finally getting around to posting!  (Well...  I confess I did get a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I read 4 books in there too. lol )

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas 
My true love gave to me,
Twelve Hummers Humming!
Eleven Planes for flying, 
Ten Soda's for Sipping,
Nine Records Spinning,
Eight Maids a Milking,
Seven Fish a Swimming,
Six Cheese for Playing,
Five O N I O N Rings,
Four Caring Words,
Three Wrench Pens, 
Two Turtled Gloves,
And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree! 
Here's MY True Love holding the words to the song.  My family gets together at my parents home Christmas Eve for dinner and a program.  Each person can do a part if they'd like; singing, playing an instrument, sharing a story.  I enlisted the help of my children and a few others there to have TWELVE Hummers Humming.  
 Watch the Video if you dare!   
Thanks Steve for videoing for me. :)  

I am so very blessed to have a wonderful man in my life who IS my true love!